This is called the notch. It is an area where the sand meets up with the sandstone and allows the motorcycles to ride up on top of the sandstone rock.

This is a picture of my husband after riding up and down the notch several times. The lighting was awesome and we had a great time watching the boys ride the notch!

This is a picture of our friend Brett jumping his bike up onto the top of the notch.

This is our friend Shane riding his ATV. I took this picture right before he covered me with sand!

This is my brother driving his buddy Matt's jeep. Matt was in the passenger seat! They made it all the way up into Red Wash and celebrated by climbing the wall at the end of the wash!

It wouldn't be a family vacation without at least one picture of the kids. We try to take them to this same spot at least once a year to get their pictures. It is amazing to see how much they have grown since we first found this spot!
So - that is our vacation in a nutshell. We always have a great time out there and we look forward to our next trip out there in the fall! I'll be working on putting up some pictures of the girls dance recital in the next week.
Our current promotion ends on Memorial Day, so remember to get those portrait sessions booked this week!
Really enjoyed this trip. Love the photos you got Katie. Looking forward to seeing more.