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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Family Wedding

I had the privilege of being the wedding photographer for this wonderful wedding. The bride is my husband's grandmother. This is her second marriage. She was married to my husband's grandfather for 50 years before he passed away and she now has a new love in her life. The ceremony was a small affair in Cedaredge at a beautiful chapel followed by a wonderful reception in Montrose.

This is Chapel of the Cross in Cedaredge, Colorado.

This is one of the bride's great-grandsons and the ring-bearer for her fiance.

These are the Bride's other three great-grandchildren. The girls were her bridesmaids and K was her ring bearer.

This is the Bride's grandson who had the privilege of giving her away!

This is the flower girl with her daddy. She is the Bride's granddaughter.

This is the groom and his son who was the best man.

This is the Groom's great-granddaughter who was also a bridesmaid.

During the ceremony the flower girl walked back up the aisle picking up all of the petals she had dropped. It was very cute!

The couple's first Kiss as Husband and Wife.

This is the Bride's daughter-in-law who sang a special song for the couple.

The Bride's daughter did a special reading for the couple.

This is the wedding party.

This is a photo of the new couple with the Bride's family.

This is a photo of the new couple with the Groom's family.

This photo is of the new couple with all of their children.

This is the groom with the Bride's grandson that gave her away.

This is the Groom with one of the ring-bearers.

This is the flower girl at the reception.

This is one of the ring-bearers at the reception.

Family Photo Shoot

I met up with this family at the library for a fun family photo shoot in early January. It was a pretty cold morning, but everyone did great being out in the cold until we were done!